Shabbat morning kiddushim have become part of our regular Shabbat
experience at Temple Beth Sholom. They are a wonderful chance to share a
light meal and catch up with friends and the community as part of an
otherwise restful Shabbat experience. Often, our kiddushim are generously
and beautifully sponsored by individuals or families celebrating life cycle
events or other simchas, and we are all the beneficiaries of their
Simchas and special occasions are not weekly occurrences, and we would
like to be able to offer Shabbat Kiddushim every week to enjoy as a
community. To that end, we have made it easy for you, the community, to
help out with the cost of your kiddushim at any level that is comfortable
for you ($10 minimum), on a subscription basis.
Your automatically recurring contribution to the Kiddush Klub ensures
that all your Shabbat morning kiddushim can be meaningful!
Payment information is accepted and processed by
PayPal. For subscriptions such as this, you must have a PayPal account.
Select the Membership Level and Contribution you would like to make on a recurring basis, and click the Subscribe button.